Fundamental Strength Training Exercises

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The fundamental exercises that one needs to do in order to increase strength can be defined generally as compound movements because of the use of more than one muscle group when doing the movement. However just like any bodybuilding topic it is controversial to state that fundamental strength training exercises are only The Big Four.

The big four are squats, deadlift, bench-press and shoulder press which when trained on a regular basis will definitely increase your strength. However there are two vitally important movements that should be added to the list on the big four and they are dips and pull-ups.

The strength that you get in your triceps when you do a movement like bench-press is where you get the strength in your upper body, but you can improve these strength gains by doing dips after your bench-press. Just like doing bench-press when you do dips it works all three major muscle groups in your upper body at the same time.

One should start doing dips with bodyweight but as you get stronger the ease of adding more weight is by simply attaching a dumbbell to your weight belt or wearing a harness. Working your chest, shoulders and triceps at the same time is guaranteed to increase your strength.

One of the big four is the deadlift which just like squats works your upper and your lower body at the same time. Deadlift will work your hamstrings and your gluteals as they are the prime movers in the exercise but it is also working directly on the lower back, Rhomboids and Trapezius muscles of your back.

If you add pull-ups or chin-ups to a deadlift workout you will be able to blast your back muscles and develop strength in your biceps at the same time. The big four plus the dips and pull-ups should be the complete list of the basic fundamental exercises that should be done for strength training.

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