Strength Training for Wrestling
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Classic wrestling strength training workouts
Over the last few decades there has been a lot of controversy about teens lifting weights to gain strength and increase bone density. But it seems that this has now been conclusively proven to benefit people even as young as 8 years old. But reports that only teen wrestlers who have started puberty are likely to notice significant muscle growth.
Training with weights offer a variety of benefits for young wrestlers who strength-train and typically maintain better cholesterol levels and higher self-esteem. Studies also show that strength training also improves concentration which can help with performance on schoolwork and joints, tendons and bones will be less likely to suffer injury.
But training with the proper technique is vitally important if you want to get the benefit. Most strength workouts feature weight machines or lifting free weights, such as dumbbells and barbells. You should start your training by learning proper technique, which ensures you'll gain the most reward from your exercise.
An effective lift is performed slowly in an unhurried manner and always exhaling as you lift, then inhale when you lower the weight to its original position. recommends performing three sets of up to 10 repetitions.
You should start with a lighter weight for your first set, then increase the weight, but not your repetitions with the following two sets. An effective workout includes at least two exercises for each body part, such as a routine for the front and back of your arms.
If you are under 20 years old it is highly recommended that you only train three times a week. As a wrestler trying to gain strength doing normal wrestler training will get his maximum results from only training three times in one week for 30 minutes to 60 minutes at a time including warm-up and cool-down.
A good warm-up includes a five-minute brisk walk, while cool-downs usually feature light stretching of your muscles for the same amount of time. Give your muscles a full day of rest between muscle workouts to ensure recovery and muscle growth.
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