Effective Strength Training Principles

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Strength training principals are all based on the one golden rule of life itself, which is adaptation. The ability of any organism to adapt to its changing environment is what makes us alive. To be able to get stronger and adapt to an increased load is adaptation and it is these principles that can be broken down into four basic training principals. These four principals of strength training are:





Overload is the resistance or the weight used when training which has to be done on a regular basis in order to be considered as an overload. Any adaptation that occurs will be lost by the athlete if the same exercise is not repeated with 7 days for a beginner.

However if you have been training for a few years and you are an elite athlete then this will change that occurs you will be lost in only 3 days if you do not repeat the process. For example if you can bench 275 and take a week’s break from any training you will probably lift 270 when you get back.

Accommodation occurs from using the same type of training routine continuously for 6 weeks or more you get what economists refer to as diminished returns from your workouts. This means that the gains you get in strength and muscle will diminish.

Specificity is what occurs with very distinct adaptations that happen from doing any training program. It should be noted here that the adaptation will ONLY occur in muscles and cardiovascular adaptation in the body. So any good coach would be looking at the specificity of a training program that will improve results like in basketball or football.

However there is not really a lot of carryover with speed training so the training for a sprinter would have to carry some complex training in it as well like doing a plyometric movement along with squats etc. But that would depend on the type of sport that you are training for.

Individualization is a bit complicated and involves the somatotype of the person and the genetic ability of the fast twitch muscle fibres and the slow twitch that you were born which is different for everyone. A famous quote from a well-known coach called Zatsiorsky says “Innumerable attempts to mimic the training routines of famous athletes have proven unsuccessful.”

The bottom line is that every good training routine for strength training needs to include variation in order to continue getting results. If a training routine can include consideration for all the principals included above it will be able to constantly accommodate the adaptations achieved by the person using it.

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