Strength Training for Muscle Mass

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Weight Training Routines for Size

The sheer volume of information on muscle-gain programs can be somewhat overwhelming. There are so many ways to engage in weight training for size– high intensity, high volume, full-body, bodypart split, low rep, high rep… there’s a lot of information out there.

Here’s a breakdown of a couple of the most well-proven muscle-gain protocols in vogue these days. Honestly, if you follow either one of these with consistency and dedication, and take steps to ensure your nutrition and rest are in order outside of the gym, I guarantee you will see good gains.

Weight Training Routines for Size: Full Body Workouts

Full body workouts can be an excellent choice for beginners or anyone short on time in the gym. It’s possible to gain much strength and size from as few as two full-body free-weight workouts per week. They do require a good level of focus and determination however, as it’s not always easy to train hard through 18 sets of weight lifting that might include squats, deadlifts, pullups and pressing movements. Still, if time is an issue or if you just prefer to train this way, full body workouts can yield some great results.

Weight Training Routines for Size: Bodypart Splits

A bodypart split usually involves training only 1-2 muscle groups per workout. The idea of a split is that you train different muscles each day, and by the end of the cycle (usually a week or ten days) you’ve trained every part of the body. One advantage of bodypart splits is that you can go harder and heavier on any one muscle group, and give it a longer period of time to recover – sometimes it will be up to a week until you train that particular muscle again. This can be advantageous to experienced lifters whose body’s have adapted to the frequent but moderate intensity of a full-body workout.

These are the two main types of workout that you’ll be interested in with size as your goal. Stay tuned for more information on weight training routines for different purposes.

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