Squat Research
How Deep Should You Squat

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There seems to be a fortune of misinformation out there about the depth that we should squat. For some strange reason the definition of what a squat actually is seems to have got lost in the forest while people were looking at the trees.

The definition of a squat is defined as being just a little bit below parallel, this is done by getting your hip joint to be lower than your knee joint at the bottom of a squat. It sounds very simple but somehow the average gym-goer seems to be thinking that doing a half squat will protect the knee joint.

This is completely unfounded information and numerous studies have proved the exact opposite effect is true. Sports Science decided to do a review of this on-going research to establish exactly what the most beneficial depth that we should all be squatting to and the results of this research were conclusive.

The research conclusively proved that doing a full squat is not only a lot less dangerous than doing a half squat but that you will get LESS injuries doing a full squat as there is less stress on the knee and spine. The research concluded with a statement which read "When compared with half and quarter squats, the deep squat will cause less knee joint and spinal joint stress."

The research published this report showing how the body will respond to deep squats explaining that the supportive tissue or connective tissue like the ligaments and tendons in the knee will slowly adapt to the increased weight that is loaded.

The same report also explained that concerns about degenerative changes that might take place in the knee or spine are without any foundation. They explain this when comparing a deep squat to a half squat saying that when a half squat is done there is more compression on these joints than when turning a half squat.

This means the smaller joints will be more stressed by the change occurring from lowering the weight to lifting the weight than would happen when a deep squat is done with good form. The research explains that doing full deep squats will have no negative effects that directly affect the stability of all the knee ligaments.

The research also explains that the spine is able to adapt to the increase in weight by increasing the bone mineral density that it has as well as increasing the tensile strength of the ligaments involved. They also explained that the obvious increase in the strength of the back when squatting adds to the protection that is offered to the spine.

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