German Volume Training

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German Volume Training (GVT) is something that was first started by a German man called Rolf Feser who was a weightlifting coach. But the idea was taken up by the well-known bodybuilding trainer Vince Gironda called the iron guru and later by the icon strength training coach Charles Poliquin.

Although GVT is essentially based on volume and doing 10 sets of 10 reps for each body-part there are countless variations on this theme. Although the mix of body-parts worked during the week would be training of the muscle every 5 days but it can has been adapted to suit many variations.

GVT can and should be adapted to your own specific objective and genetic strengths and weaknesses creating the Optimized Volume Training (OVT) that suits you. In most cases pursuing your own OVT may often require you to split the 10 reps that you do with another similar or isolated movement to create a superset and train them together.

Doing this type of GVT gets good results but is not for the fainthearted as you are working with a heavy weight doing 5 reps and without resting and then moving onto the next movement for another 5 reps. Reducing the time spent between sets should be done before increasing the weight.

Below you will see what many German Volume specialists would call an OVT that is optimized specifically to a person's capabilities and pushing to the maximum. The tempo included when doing GVT is very important when looking for the best results.

It should also be included with a good nutritional support in order to provide all the required raw materials in order to get the maximum use out of any rest that was achieved during the program. Having the correct balance of protein, carbs and good fats is essential to get good results.

The routine listed below is something that should be trained four times a week with a day break between any of the days where you might need a break. It can also be done daily for 4 days followed by 3 days of rest. The adding of weight will again depend on the time rested between sets.

Day One: Chest & Back:
Exercise		Sets		Reps		Tempo		Rest Intervals
A1. Bench Press	        5		5	        201 	        0
A2. DB Flyes		5		5		602 	        60 seconds
B1. Incline Bench Press	5	 	5               201		0
B2. Incline DB Flyes	5		5               602 	        60 seconds
C1. Cable Lats Pulldown	5		5               201		0
C2. DB Rows		5		5		602 	        60 seconds
D1. Barbell Rows	5		5	        201 	        0
D2. Pullovers	        5		5		602 	        60 seconds

Day Two: Legs:
Exercise		Sets		Reps		Tempo		Rest Intervals
A1. Squats		5		5		201 	        0
A2. Lunges		5		5		602		60 seconds
B1. Leg Extensions 	5		5		201 	        0
B2. Leg Curl		5		5		602	        60 seconds
C1. Stiff-Leg Deadlift  5	        5               201		0
C2. Hamstring Curls	5               5		602		60 seconds

Day Three: Arms:
Exercise		Sets		Reps		Tempo		Rest Intervals
A1. Barbell Curl	5	        5	        201 	        0
A2. DB Curl		5		5		602 	        60 seconds
B1. Preacher Curl	5		5		201 	        0
B2. Reverse Curl	5		5		602 	        60 seconds
C1. Cable Tri Pushdown	5		5               201		0
C2. Skull crushers 	5		5		602 	        60 seconds
D1. Close Grip Bench    5  	        5		201 	        0
D2. Overhead Extensions	5               5		602 	        60 seconds

Day Four: Shoulders & Abs:
Exercise	       Sets		Reps		Tempo		Rest Intervals
A1. DB Press	       5		5		201	      	0
A2. Side Lateral Raise 5	        5     	        602		60 seconds
B1. Military Press     5		5	        201 	        0
B2. Bent Over Laterals 5		5	        602		60 seconds

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